субота, 14.02.2015, 19:19 -> 23:24
štampajMeet Bojana Stamenov
Bojana Stamenov is representative of Serbia at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna. She has been singing since she was seven. She attended as many as three sections in the secondary music school – guitar, lute and renaissance singing. She was the finalist of the show "Serbia's Got Talent" in 2012, when she enthralled the audience with her magnificent voice and brilliant interpretation. In Serbia, she is often presented as the Serbian Aretha Franklin.
She cannot imagine her life without music. She doesn't like solitude, which is why she tries to spend as much time as possible with her loved ones. If everyone is busy, Bojana knits and crochets, and also really loves to cook.
When she was little, she wanted to be big, and she started singing because she felt anxious when she only played an instrument. She says her first kiss was clumsy, sweet and nervous. If she gets up on the wrong side of the bed, she goes back to bed, because she doesn't want others to get into trouble because of her bad horoscope. She loves to travel and, in the future, would like to visit France because of art and food, Ireland because of landscapes and beer, America because of everything: blues, cowgirls, bikers, Chicago, musicals, Las Vegas...
Her message for the fans of the Eurovision Song Contest is to never give up on what they love and who they love, because love is all we are left with in the end.Упутство
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