Talents Get a Chance to Represent Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015

Composer Vladimir Graić scouting for talented people who could represent Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015.

When the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation confirmed the participation of Serbia in the forthcoming 60th Eurovision Song Contest, it was also announced that Vladimir Graić would compose the song to be performed in Vienna.

Composer Vladimir Graić has already won at Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 with the composition "Prayer" performed by Marija Šerifović. This time he is going to compose three songs, and the winning entry amongst those three will represent Serbia in Vienna in 2015.

It still hasn't been decided who will perform the three compositions, but the selection process is well under way. Two of those performers are going to be acclaimed singers, but at the final national selection event a chance will also be given to an up-and-coming talented performer.

In the first phase, all the interested candidates who are the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and are not under 16 years of age should send their personal details and a video clip of their interpretation of a domestic pop/rock song not longer than one minute to the E-mail address evrovizija@vladimirgraic.com.

Applications can be submitted as of today until November 10. Afterwards, auditions will be held in six Serbian towns. Towns where the auditions will be held are: Niš, Zaječar, Kragujevac, Užice, Novi Sad and Belgrade. The date, time and the location of each audition will be announced at a later date.

A great chance has been given to talented people throughout Serbia, and one of them will be competing with the two acclaimed stars in the RTS final live show in February.

The votes of the viewers will decide who will represent Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015.


Auditions for one of the candidates will be held in following towns: Niš, Zaječar, Kragujevac, Užice, Novi Sad and Belgrade. The date, time and the location of each audition will be announced at a later date.

Each application must contain candidate's basic personal details:

- Name of the town where the audition will take place that the candidate is applying for
- First and last name
- Date, place and year of birth
- Contact phone number
- E-mail address

Besides providing basic personal details, the candidate is obliged to identify only one of the six towns where the audition will be held that he is applying for.

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субота, 22. фебруар 2025.
-3° C


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