Vladimir Graić – biography written in gold

Vladimir Graić practically does not need any special introduction to the domestic or European Eurovision public. As the composer of "Prayer" ("Molitva"), which was sung by Marija Šerifović and triumphed on stage in Helsinki, thanks to which Serbia and Belgrade hosted the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, Graić wrote out a page of musical history.

As a reminder, this happened at the first presentation of Serbia on the international European music scene which we wrote out in gold. Even today, seven years later, "Prayer" has been our only Eurovision victory, and also the only victory at the debut of a country at this prestigious music contest in the history of Eurovision.

Graić was born on February 19, 1968 in Belgrade. He received primary and secondary general education, alongside attending the piano department of the school of music "Josif Marinković" and, afterwards, "Mokranjac". He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, the department of electric-power systems, in the area of electro acoustics. As of 1996 he started working in the Radio Television of Serbia, as a music editor in the editorial board for entertainment program, whereas in 2000 he transferred to the RTS Record label (PGP RTS), as editor in chief, where he stayed until the end of 2008. Currently, he is a freelance artist.

His compositions have received numerous festival awards (more than 20 first prizes), including the victory at the most prestigious European music contest - the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 ("Prayer").

Furthermore, his compositions have repeatedly been proclaimed the Songs of the Year. These are some of them: composition "Go Away" (Odlazi) sung by Maja Nikolić in 1994, "Take me" (Uzmi me, Maja Nikolić, 1998), "In the Meantime" (A u međuvremenu, OK Band, 2000), "Crazy Summer Dance" performed by Flamingosi (Ludi letnji ples, 2006), composition "Prayer", sung by Marija Šerifović.

He was declared the best composer in 1994 by the expert jury of the MESAM music festival, in 2000 at the event called "Popularity Oscar", in 2006 at Zlatni Melos manifestation, in 2007 at the "Sunny Scales" festival, as well as at the radio festival Feras 2007.

Graić is the author of numerous hits, in the area of popular and folk music, as well as of music for a number of feature and documentary TV series and films, theatrical performances, TV shows and advertising campaigns, TV and radio commercials and jingles.

Graić has been the member of the Association of Jazz, Pop and Rock Musicians since 1986 and enjoys the status of a performing artist. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the Association from 1996 until 2000. He is also a member of the Composers' Association of Serbia and has been in its Steering Committee since 2011. Furthermore, Graić is a member of SOKOJ and has been a member of the German association of music authors GEMA for the past four years.

He received the prestigious accolade "Golden Link" ("Zlatni beočug") awarded by the Cultural and Educational Community of Belgrade.

In RTS he was the editor of the following shows: HIT 2000, Sunday Afternoon (Nedeljno popodne), Music Hot Report, Impulse, etc.

Graić is the manager of the agency called "Revolution" which deals with artistic creation and which also comprises a music studio.

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