субота, 19.11.2011, 12:50 -> 12:55
štampajZeljko Joksimovic representing Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest
At the "Eurovision Song Contest" in Azerbaijan in May 2012, Serbia will have Zeljko Joksimovic as its representative. The song he will be performing will be officially presented early next year in a special RTS show.
At the "Eurovision Song Contest" taking place in Azerbaijan in May 2012, Serbia will be championed by acclaimed singer and songwriter Zeljko Joksimovic.
RTS as a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has the exclusive right to choose the Serbian representative.
For austerity reasons the earlier song selection method has been modified.
In Azerbaijan Zeljko Joksimovic will be singing his own song, that the audience will hear for the first time at the beginning of 2012 in a special television presentation on RTS1.
Zeljko Joksimovic is an author with extensive Eurosong experience. He wrote several ESC songs, competed as a singer once, and also hosted the "2008 Eurovision Song Contest 2008" in Belgrade.
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