A new gift to the audience - multimedia application

Eurovision fans and admirers of Zeljko Joksimovic from now will be able to follow all activities of the Serbian ESC entry through specialized applications for the newest generation of mobile phones.

Application for iPhone phones and Android is free to use. Users will be able to follow the latest news, photos and to listen to all versions of Serbian song for ESC 2012 "Nije ljubav stvar".

In Fan pit area, users of applications will be able to publish their impressions, interact with others and communicate directly with Zeljko Joksimovic.

Zeljko Joksimovic is the first ESC representative of Serbia and one of the first public figures in our region that have recognized advantages of the latest generation of modern technology in order to more successfully presented his work to the public..

The application for the Apple device has not by chance released today- the idea was to serve this particular multimedia gift to the audience exactly on birthday of Zeljko Joksimovic.

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недеља, 19. мај 2024.
27° C


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