недеља, 03.03.2013, 17:54 -> 18:11
štampajTonight Serbia is selecting the ESC representative
Five songs, decided by SMS votes only during yesterday Beosong semi- final evening in RTS studio, will compete this evening for the honor to represent Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malme. The winner will be determined by SMS voting only.
Serbia will select its 7th representative for Eurovision Song Contest tonight. Marija Serifovic brought the first victory of Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 with the Song "Molitva" that was the only song performed in another language than English and won in ESC in the last 14 years.
Five acts are competing in the Grand finale of this year Beosong and they will participate following this order:
1. Saška Janković - Duga u tvojim očima
2. SKY's - Magija
3. Dušan Svilar - Spas
4. Marija Mihajlović - Halo
5. Moje 3 - Ljubav je svuda
The show Beosong 2013 produced by RTS in general is promoting Serbian talents and it is hosted by Maja Nikolić together with Gorica Nešović and Dragan Ilić reporting from backstage.
You can watch the Beosong final Live on RTS1 and RTS Sat at 21:00 CET, and also on RTS webcast and Eurovision.tv webcast.
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