Saška Janković

Duga u tvojim očima (Rainbow in Your Eyes) - music and lyrics: Slobodan Boban Petrović, arrangement: Slobodan Boban Petrović and "Studio 3000"

Saška Janković was born on April 29, 1988, her artistic alias is Miss Jukebox. She finished high music school, and now she is a student.

When she was ten years old she won the first place and the award for the best interpretation at the music competition for children. She recorded a children's album with her teenage band "Jingle Bells". They promoted the album at concerts all over Serbia.

She has participated at many festivals: Sunflower 2005 - "Masked", Sunflower 2006 - "The Last Letter", Art Zone 2006 (Bulgaria) - "Masked", "Daduo Mamo", PanMusic 2008 - "Lovesick" - Best New Artist, Beovision 2009. - "Teach me," Sunčane skale 2010, "Seize the Day" with Nikola Saric Sajko.

She had the honor of singing the national anthem of the Republic of Serbia a number of times: at the opening and closing ceremonies of the "EYOF" 2008, at the Universiade 2009, and at the celebrations welcoming our athletes who were bringing home international medals. She performed as a backup singer at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest - "This is the Balkans" with Milan Stanković, 2011 - "Magical" with Nina Radojičić.

She was a finalist of the second season of the competition for young singers "The First Voice of Serbia" where she did well and finished eighth. Like all the finalists of this competition, she has signed a contract with the record label "Prva Records".

For years she has been working as a backup singer, songwriter and a composer. She has cooperated with many famous names from the world of music, recording in the studios and at live concerts.

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среда, 17. јул 2024.
30° C


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