Dušan Svilar

Spas (Salvation) - Music and Arrangement: Marko Djurašević Mahoni, Lyrics: Rastko Savić

Born on June 19, 1990 in Subotica. At seventeen he was the winner of the third season of the contest "Grand Stars".

He finished elementary and secondary education in Subotica where he also graduated from the Music High School. His first public performance was on February 14, 2007 at the non-competitive festival "Love and Wine" with the song "Ljubav bogom dana" composed by Kornelije Kovač.

In the second half of 2008 he recorded a duet "Nije vredno sine moj" with Kemal Monteno. Their partnership started in February 2009 in "Sava Centar" and since then they have been performing in cities all over Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

In 2010 at the Grand Festival he won the votes of the audience for the song "Dunavski testament" by Nikola Grbić. The same year he released his new album "Nisam ja dobrovoljni davalac suza".

In 2011 at the "Ohrid Fest" in FYR of Macedonia he won the prize as a co-author for the best lyrics for the song "Da li te voli k'o ja?"

In 2012 at the Festival "Omladina" in Subotica he competed with the song "Nisam znao dušo da te ne volim" for which he whore both music and lyrics. The song was performed by Nikola Glišić and won the prize for the best interpretation.

He is currently a student at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.

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недеља, 30. јун 2024.
34° C


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