уторак, 05.06.2018, 11:51 -> 09:34
Five young ladies are the protagonists of this series that has a crime plot.
After many years, friends from childhood are by turn of events reunited in the middle of the battle between criminal clans. The lives they had before in a way prepared and not prepared them for what was coming.
In the previous frenzied years, their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, husbands were, before them, on the other side of the law. They lost them and when they believed that those times are gone, something happened after which they didn't have any choice. They were not prepared for that, they don't know how to behave. But the care for the children, loyalty to friends from childhood and the female intuition will make them dangerous and unpredictable enemies nobody expected on the crime scene. Almost as superheroines, although weaker, they know how to win.
Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Original title: Pet
Year of production: 2018.
Episodes: 11 x 60' HD
Screenplay: Strahinja Radetic and Balsa Djogo
Directors: Balsa Djogo
Cast: Jelena Djokic, Hristina Popovic, Marija Karan, Gala Videnovic, Milena Radulovic
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