субота, 11.06.2011, 10:59 -> 09:50
“Albatross” is a historical drama that contains elements of situation comedy, as well.
The film is mostly set in the drawing room at the court of king Milan Obrenovic, at the very end of the 19th century. Apart from depicting the situation in Serbia at the time, the story also follows a young writer, Branislav Nusic, who gets out of prison and arrives to an audience with king Milan, asking for pardoning of his punishment for writing a satirical poem called "Two Slaves", whose publication had caused the king's wrath in the first place. The screenplay abounds in humorous dialogues, while the very end of the film leads to an unexpected twist.
Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2011
Broadcaster: RTS
Duration: 55'
Director: Filip Colovic
Cast: Bojan Zirovic, Dragan Nikolic, Milan Vranesevic, Ljubomir Bandovic, Andrej Sepetkovski..
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