уторак, 14.01.2020, 14:13 -> 14:19
The South Wind
Serbian Blockbuster!
This film was inspired by the authentic experiences of people who were part of the so-called Belgrade underworld.
It depicts the essential struggle between good and evil, telling a story about the fate of all those who had made a wrong choice seeking a better life.
In the life of Petar Maras, a member of the Belgrade auto mafia, things are starting to make sense. He no longer has to live with his parents.
He is moving to a new flat with his long-term girlfriend Sofia. The gang he belongs to is run by an experienced "Baron" and is doing quite well.
Things are operating smoothly, there's enough dough for everyone, and the police are turning a blind eye to their activities. All this is about to change when Maras accidentally offends a brutal drug lord.
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