петак, 30.01.2009, 10:46 -> 10:59
štampajPatriarch Pavle – Living by The Gospels – four-part mini series
Four-part biographical series about Patriarh Pavle
After the broadcast of the documentary film in 2006, the Serbian Orthodox Church gave its blessing to produce a four-part biographical series about Patriarch Pavle. This is also the only biographical picture that was filmed with the blessing of Patriarch Pavle. The interview that Patriarch Pavle gave to the RTS' film crew in 2007 was his last public appearance. The fourth episode was filmed posthumously and includes exclusive footage of the Patriarch's burial at Rakovica Monastery. Besides Patriarch Pavle, the film also features appearances by bishops and monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church and heads and members of other orthodox churches of the world.
Genre: Documentary, History
Country of Production: Serbia
Produced by: Public Service Media - RTS
Original Title: Patrijarh Pavle - Zivot po Jevandjelju
Year of production: 2006-2009
Language: Serbian
Duration - part I: 54:59 SD
Duration - part II: 55:06 SD
Duration - part III: 55:42 SD
Duration - part IV: 54:23 SD
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