недеља, 29.01.2006, 12:12 -> 09:39
štampajThe Last Day in The Life of Zoran Djindjic
Through a chronology of time, the documentary shows the developments on March 12th, 2003, when the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was assassinated in front of the RS Government building.
The documentary begins with the story of an ordinary morning that started at the Djindjic family home. Those who spent the last moments with him speak about the Prime Minister's mood, thoughts and behaviour that day. Politicians, the then ministers and closest associates of the Prime Minister Djindjic testify to the atmosphere in the Government and the way in which decisions were made that day.
Genre: Documentary, History, Politics
Country of Production: Serbia
Produced by: Public Service Media - RTS
Original Title: Poslednji dan Zorana Djindjica
Year of production: 2006
Duration: 54:12' SD
Language: Serbian
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