Mediana 2002

Official selection at five most important European festivals of archaeological film.

In the summer of 2000, archaeologists revealed a carefully packed bronze railing in one of the probes in Mediana, near Niš (in the antique imperial palace). The story of the film is based precisely on those two facts - on the discovery of the railing and its careful packing. Why is this discovery significant? Previously this type of railing was known only from ancient literature, and was also presented at the Arch of Constantine in Rome and Obelisk of Theodosius in Constantinople. Ancient writer Eusebius in its history of the church talks about altars surrounded by railings. However, until the summer of 2000, archaeologists did not have the opportunity to see what they really looked like. Thus, the Mediana explorers were the first in the world to reveal the original parapet panels.

Would they have survived the turbulent course of history at this site had they not been carefully hidden?

Who hid them, when and from whom? What was their purpose in Mediana? Or, maybe the most interesting question of all, who was their owner?

There are enough questions and mysteries which have been addressed by the film authors trying to reconstruct an apparently dramatic moment in history, when the residents of Mediana buried their valuable sacred objects before the impending danger.

Genre: History, Archeology

Country of production: Serbia

Original broadcast: RTS

Year of production: 2002

Duration: 20' (Aspect Ratio: 4:3 SD)

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недеља, 22. децембар 2024.
7° C


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