Moje 3

Ljubav je svuda (Love is Everywhere) - Music and arrangement: Saša Milošević Mare, Lyrics: Marina Tucaković

Super finalists of the music show "The First Voice of Serbia" will join forces to try and win their ticket to Malmö as a trio.

The winner of this show is Mirna Radulović (born on July 5, 1992 in Subotica) who demonstrated that she is adept in all musical genres, from pop and rock to the old, traditional folk songs. She has a good ear and superb music skills she developed playing the violin for twelve years. She also plays the guitar and piano. She has performed at a number of festivals, and was selected one of the 45 best young singers at the "Sylvester Levay International Musical Singing Competition". She has performed with Kornelije Kovač and Dado Topić.

Nevena Božovic is from Kosovska Mitrovica (born on June 15, 1994), a girl with a powerful voice who is now a third year student at the Belgrade Faculty of Music. Nevena already has some experience performing at festivals. At the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Rotterdam she represented Serbia and won the third place with the song for which she wrote both music and lyrics. Božović has also participated at a number of children's music festivals where she has won numerous awards.

The third link in this female ensemble is Sara Jovanović (born on October 29, 1993), a girl who has mastered the art of scenic movement. This young girl from Belgrade was born and raised in Rome, Italy. Authentic energetic performances and a specific timbre of voice are the reason this young lady was singled out at the First Voice of Serbia competition where she gained a great number of fans. Sarah is a second year student at the Belgrade Faculty of Philology.

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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