Nenad Milosavljević

”Ruža od baruta” (Rose of gunpowder) - Music and Arrangement: Nenad Milosavljević, Text by Vladimir Dulović and Nenad Milosavljević.

Singer, harmonica player, acoustic guitar player and composer Nenad Milosavljevic was born on 6. February 1954, in Niš. With the creation of the group Galija, its founder and leader was renamed, quite naturally, into Nesa Galija.

Without a single day of formal musical training, Nesa Galija started early his engagement in music, enthusiastic with the gift he received when he was a four year old boy. It was a small harmonica. He played harmonica throughout elementary school before he started to play the guitar, participating in many music competitions. In the first year of high school Nenad started learning to play the acoustic guitar. He practiced singing in the school choir of the music school "Dr. Vojislav Vučković" and in the amateur chorus of cultural and artistic society "Veljko Vlahović" in Niš. As an ambitious composer, he used lyrics of poets and wrote music for it. He composed the song "Čuj kako jauče vetar" (Listen to the wind moan - verses Dobriše Cesarića) and "Pozna jesen" (Late autumn - verses Vojislav Ilic). His first public appearance Neša Galija had in his Niš in September 1970, in one of the first clubs in the city. He performed alone with acoustic guitar and harmonica playing song "Živeće" (Living), "Basamaci" (Basamaci), "U poznu jesen" (In late fall)...

Then he was accepted by the members of the cult trio Lutajuća srca (Wondering hearts).

At the same time held the first solo concerts, Neša Galija discovers another great love - theater. In 1972 he composed the music for the play "Aska i Vuk" (Aska and the Wolf). In 1973 Nenad Milosavljević performed at the Youth Festival in Subotica on the "Evening free form."

For the project of the amateur theater group "Third half", in 1977 he composed the music. Young men gathered at the first rehearsal, held on 4. January 1976, and created rock band Galija.

The jury of the Zaječarska Gitarijada 1978, awarded the first place to the band Galija, and Nenad Milosavljević was declared the best composer, best singer and the most complex character on the Gitarijada.

Galija performed at the Subotica Festival "Youth ‘78" where they were declared as a true festival revelation. At the end of the 1978, Galija performed impressively at the BOOM Festival ‘78 in Novi Sad.

After this series of successes, achieved in just one year, they recorded their first record for PGP RTB. During three decades of recording (1979 - 2009) band Galija published thirteen studio albums, one live album, five compilations (nineteen albums) and two singles - all in collaboration with PGP RTB and the PGP RTS later, as the only rock band in our region that has never changed their publisher.

Along with the work in the band Galija, Nenad Milosavljević works in theater and Music Theater.

He has composed for the Puppet Theatre and the National Theatre in Niš, for the theatre in Kikinda, DES Theatre in Belgrade, the National Theatre in Vranje, Leskovac National Theatre, Banja Luka, Belgrade Drama Theatre, Theatre Terazije, National Theatre in Belgrade, Studio 212, Priština Theatre, and Theatre in Sombor.

Music for children and the children's song festivals were also big part of his composing, arrangement and production.

His first film music was composed in 2002, year. It was the music for the movie "Zona Zamfirova".

The music for Zdravko Šotra's film "Robbery of the Third Reich" Neša Galija composed in 2003.

Neša Galija composed, arranged, and fully realized in his studio the album "Silent Bells" (traditional Serbian music Kosovo).

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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