Dušan Zrnić

"Što prolazim" (The things I`m going through) – music and lyrics: Ana Bojić Mrđen. Arrangement: Aleksandar Filipović

Dušan Zrnić is a pop and rock singer. He started his career in 2004, in reality show "Idol" wining the third place in the competition of three thousand candidates.

At Beosong 2005, in the final festival evening he won the 12th place. In the same year he participated in the festival "Pjesma Mediterana 2005" in Budva, as well as in the "Sunflower music festival 2005" in Zrenjanin.

He recorded a duet with Danica Karić for a song "Sada znam" (Now I know), the title song for the first Serbian soup opera "Jelena". In 2008. he participated at "Marko Polo fest", a song festival on the island of Korčula. By the votes of the expert jury his song "Bomba" (The bomb) won the first place. He also received a prize for the best arrangement. He also participated in the festival "Sunčane skale 2008" in the festival evening Nove zvezde (New stars) in Herceg Novi in Montenegro.

In 2009. he participated in Beosong 2009. In the final evening he won the 6th place with the song "Tvoje drugo ime je greh", (Your second name is Sinn) and in the same year he sang at the festival "Pjesma Mediterana 2009" in Budva.

For the last four years he is a member of the band "Blah Blah" from Belgrade. They play in some of the best clubs in Serbia and former Yugoslavia.

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четвртак, 27. јун 2024.
25° C


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