Maja Odžaklijevska

Anđeo s neba (Angel from heaven) - Music: Nikola Burovac, lyrics: Sonja Buljan, Arrangement: Marko J. Kon

Her music career started when she was 15 and took part in audition organized by TV Skopje.

In 1970. she performed in the popular music show „Maksimetar" and was spotted by Radoslav Graić. She got a walk-on role in the piece „Rabelais", which was performed for two seasons at the main stage of the National theater in Belgrade.

At the festival „Beogradsko proleće" in 1971 she performed the song „V oblak sonce". It was the beginning of her long and successful festival career.

Though it seemed that talented Maja is going to have a parallel career, she engaged in theatre only occasionally. The role of Koštana was offered to her, but she refused it because she considered it too demanding.

Fifteen years later, she accepted the role of the famous Stanković's heroine and went on performing it for five years. In the meantime she played in the movie "Južna staza" of Stevo Crvenkovski and won the prize at Pula film festival for the best actress.

She was more diligent in the music field, especially at festivals. She took part in almost all important music festivals in former Yugoslavia. She won prizes on most of them, or at least had a successful performance.

The crucial point in her career came in 1979 when she participated at festival "Beogradsko proleće", singing one of her greatest hits - "Daljine". She recorded her first LP "Biće sve u redu", only in 1982.

That album was, in fact, compilation of her festival songs. She recorded her next album many years later. In the middle of 1980's she and Zlatko Manojlović worked on an album which has never been released.

But Maja has never let her audience forget about her. She participated at least in one festival each year. Her second (and so far the last) album, "Bele njive", was also compilation of her festival successes.

Among other songs, this album features two of Maja's big hits: "Budi dobar kao što sam ja" (winner of the MESAM festival in 1995 and winner of the award for interpretation) and "Sve ti opraštam" (winner of the festival "Beogradski šlager").

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четвртак, 27. јун 2024.
25° C


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