Marija Mihajlović

Halo (Hello) - Music and lyrics: Nikola Čuturilo, arrangement: Boban Janković and Srđan Tanasković

She performed for the first time with the RTS jazz orchestra in 1990 at the jazz festival in Valjevo. After that she had worked with numerous jazz bands and collaborated with almost all eminent jazz musicians from our country. At the same time she began building a successful career as a studio musician. Singing back vocals, and in recent years lead vocals, she became an inevitable spice of almost all existing music genres, and irreplaceable collaborator of many important musical producers.

Since 1996 till 2000 she was full-time member of the group Dejan Cukić i Spori ritam bend. They made three albums and, at the same time, the band performed at numerous concerts.

She collaborated in making of more than 200 albums and participated in concerts of our most popular rock and pop bands such are: „Riblja Čorba" and „Bajaga i instruktori". She worked with the leader of „Bajaga i instruktori", Momčilo Bajagić Bajaga, on making of the songs „Montenegro" and the anthem of the town of Budva. In 1994 she made album „Zvuk tišine" with Ljuba Ninković, leader of the band „S vremena na vreme". In recent years she has been collaborating with the most important dance music bands. Her voice advertises more than 500 companies and products. In the 2009 she became the official promoter of the Belgrade summer universiade.

Part of her work is making jingles for radio and TV stations. She also took part in the theater remake of the musical „Hair". In it, among other songs, she performed the most popular song „The Age of Aquarius". She also made songs for children's play „Princess on a pea" of the theater „Puž" and, in collaboration with Radomir Mihajlović Točak, music for the film „Vizantijsko plavo". She also has a private singing school "Scream Team".

In 1991 she won the first prize of the expert jury and the first prize of the audience at the Festival of all radio and TV centers of former Yugoslavia, in the town of Maglaj. She participated at the Budva festival in 1997 and 1998. She performed in the unofficial part of the program of the festival „Sunčane skale" in 1996. She participated in the festival „Muf Voban" in Zrenjanin in 2000. In 1996 she made 30 minutes live concert for the state TV as a part of the promotion of the album „Zvuk tišine".

Marija Mihajlović is a jazz, pop and rock singer, vocal trainer and a specialized studio musician.

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четвртак, 27. јун 2024.
25° C


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