Kristina Savić

"Za tebe živim " (I live for you) - Music: Vojkan Borisavljević, Lyrics: Vladan Savić, Arrangement: Uroš Ranković

Born on August 14, 1975 in Valjevo, where she finished primary and secondary music school. In 1995 she enrolled in the Piano department at the Academy of Novi Sad, class of Professor Kemal Pekić. She graduated in 2000 in the class of Professor Iris Kobal as one of the top students in her generation.

During the studies, she sang with many bands, and in 1998 she became a regular backing vocal of Zdravko Colić band. The same year she started working at the "Terazije" theatre as a choir soloist, where she is still employed. As a guest vocalist she has recorded with many of our musicians including Dragoljub Djuričić, Vladan Vučkovic-Paja, Zdravko Čolic, Dragan Stojnić, Van Gogh... Her first independent release was in 1999 for PGP RTS.

In May of 2005 she released the second album "Ostrvo snova" (Island Of Dreams) for the record label "City Records".

Over the past few years she was more focused on her work at the theater "Terazije" where she was successful playing different solo roles, including the lead female role in the musical "Zorba The Greek", and major roles in "Under The Stars", "Producers", "How To Understand Serbs "...

In the period from 2009 to 2012 she performed more than hundred times with Ivan Bosiljčić at his poetry and music events both in the country and abroad.

In 2009 she was the guest vocalist at the Van Gogh concert in Belgrade Arena.

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среда, 17. јул 2024.
30° C


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