субота, 19.07.1975, 13:35 -> 08:37
štampajThe Unpicked Strawberries
This is a story about a young man, born in 1945 in Belgrade, about his growing up and attempts to ''become a man''.
The series follows the happy and sad moments in his life and the life of his family from him the time he entered high school until when he finishes college. Every episode is a whole and is connected to a particular year between 1960 and 1970. The series is a certain type of a time machine for the generation of the screenwriters and the majority of the cast.
Genre: Melodrama
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1975
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 10 x 50'
Director: Srdjan Karanovic
Cast: Branko Cvejic, Bata Stojkovic, Olivera Markovic, Miki Manojlovic, Aleksandar Bercek...
Awarded at the festival JRT Portorož in '76. ; Winner of the DIDLAC award - The international committee for spreading art and literature through film.
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