четвртак, 19.07.1979, 12:43 -> 08:33
štampajHot Wind
The series deals with an ever-present topic: migration form a small town to the big city.
Borivoje Surdilovic - Surda leaves Vlasotince and comes to Belgrade looking for a better life. He "temporarily" stays with his uncle Firga, a retired and single construction worker, who is living with his mother in a small derelict house he himself had once built. Surda's father Soca buy's a barber shop for his son. Although he has his regular customers, Surda does this work as something he is compelled to do and he does not see it as his true calling. Then he meets his old childhood friend - Bob. His girlfriend soon breaks up with him, complaining that he is not moving forward in life fast enough. After a conflict with a customer, Surda sells his barber shop in anger. Of course, the way to a better life leads him through numerous adventures and even more numerous jobs: a barber, a taxi driver... but eventually Surda finds what he was looking for.
Genre: Comedy
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1979
Broadcaster: RTS
Season 1: 10 x 60'
Screenplay: Sinisa Pavic
Director: Aleksandar Djordjevic
Cast: Ljubisa Samardzic, Miodrag Petrovic Ckalja, Bora Todorovic, Radmila Savicevic, Vesna Cipcic...
Коментари који садрже вређање, непристојан говор, непроверене оптужбе, расну и националну мржњу као и нетолеранцију било какве врсте неће бити објављени. Говор мржње је забрањен на овом порталу. Коментари се морају односити на тему чланка. Предност ће имати коментари граматички и правописно исправно написани. Коментаре писане великим словима нећемо објављивати. Задржавамо право избора и краћења коментара који ће бити објављени. Коментаре који се односе на уређивачку политику можете послати на адресу webdesk@rts.rs. Поља обележена звездицом обавезно попуните.
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