The Penalty Box

Frightened and worried men on one hand, and ambitious and beautiful women on the other – this is the thematic focus of this humorous series.


It does not feature politicians, upstarts, brutes, louts or dealers, there are no social topics. This is an attempt to introduce urban sitcom style humour to TVB series programme. Situation comedy is a television genre which has been absolutely dominant in television productions all over the world for decades. The male protagonist, Jova, is a former relatively successful football player for the Swiss team called "The Grasshoppers". The money he struggled to earn he then invested in a shady business and lost it. He is now preoccupied with looking for a job and justifying himself. His wife, Ana, is a marketing expert, ambitious, well-educated, beautiful and younger than her husband. They live with her grandmother, an open-minded woman whose only desire is to live to see her great-grandchild. Of course, their neighbours are there, as well: Gula, well-read bureaucrat and a cynical man with no illusions, and Mika - a failed seducer and expert in everything and anything. Ana's best friend is the shrew lawyer Silvija. Her on and off husband Dobrivoje is also a man going through a midlife crisis.

Genre: Comedy

Country of produciton: Serbia

Year of production: 2002

Broadcaster: RTS

Episodes: 26 x 55'

Directors: Milorad Milinkovc, Marko Sopic, Bane Vucic

Cast: Branimir Brstina, Isidora Minic, Mira Banjac, Slobodan Boda Ninkovic, Rade Markovic, Dubravka Mijatovic...



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Коментари који садрже вређање, непристојан говор, непроверене оптужбе, расну и националну мржњу као и нетолеранцију било какве врсте неће бити објављени. Говор мржње је забрањен на овом порталу. Коментари се морају односити на тему чланка. Предност ће имати коментари граматички и правописно исправно написани. Коментаре писане великим словима нећемо објављивати. Задржавамо право избора и краћења коментара који ће бити објављени. Коментаре који се односе на уређивачку политику можете послати на адресу Поља обележена звездицом обавезно попуните.

четвртак, 18. јул 2024.
30° C


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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару