A Few Strange People

The Actor was exploring the phenomenon of travelling actors a few decades ago.


At a nursing home he came across Mister Dusan Jovanovic, a legend of the Serbian theatre, who had an acting company with whom he travelled around Serbia at the beginning of the 20th century. Mister Jovanović will share with us the story of his travelling theatre which takes place in the days before World War II. We will see a romantic, devoted, dreamy life of those people who are "such stuff as dreams are made on" (Shakespeare). In reality, their lives were full of anguish, hard, poor and exhausting. Rejected by society, without any income, they played their dreams in the form of grand literature, wherever they found themselves. With variable success. But history has not forgotten them. Today, an already aged Actor is telling this story to his young colleague, who sees it as a textbook of art she had devoted her life to. Is this time a more favourable one for the theatre? Is there more understanding, more righteousness? Are there still people who turn their occupation into a mission?

Genre: Comedy/Drama

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2009

Broadcaster: RTS

Episodes: 4 x 55'

Director: Cedomir Petrovic

Cast: Branka Petric, Lane Gutovic, Branka Selic, Ljiljana Stjepanovic, Toma Trifunovic, Sergej Trifunovic, Igor Pervic...


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среда, 17. јул 2024.
31° C


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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару
Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару
Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару
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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару