недеља, 19.07.2009, 10:53 -> 08:55
štampajIt's Love...
We meet our protagonists and they meet each other...
Braca (construction engineer, Bosnian) and Mimi (life-coach, whatever that might be) are moving into a new building. Their next-door neighbours are Srdjan, a not so much of a successful actor, and his girlfriend Nadja, who is a model. Braca and Mimi cause a lot of noise while moving in, and some unarticulated sounds are also heard, which would serve as a base for Nadja to come up with an entire mystery story. However, all is well that ends well, and in this case it ends at Srdjan's coffee shop where new friendships are made, and where we will be introduced to a waiter called Johnny, an wannabe musician... Johnny has another unfulfilled desire - the good looking manager, Milica, who keeps rejecting him, but opposites do attract one another.
Genre: Comedy
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2009
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 20 x 55'
Director: Gorcin Stojanovic
Cast: Natasa Markovic, Bojana Stefanovic, Sonja Kolacaric, Sergej Trifunovic, Nikola Kojo, Ljubomir Bandovic...
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