четвртак, 19.07.2018, 10:12 -> 14:35
štampajKing Peter I
The series is based on the motives from Milovan Vitezovic’s novel “King Petar’s Socks”.
The story about the famous wool socks in which the king died inspired our actor and producer Lazar Ristovski to dedicate seven years to a project in which he'll represent King Petar as a man who is longing for his country and questioning the necessity for all those casualties during the Great War. Also, the series is marked as a project of "national" importance and it's made in collaboration with Russia and France, who at that time played an important role in securing enormous support to Serbian people. As an ally, Greece also made its contribution and greeted Serbian people at Corfu with open arms.
Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Original title: Kralj Petar I
Year of production: 2018.
Episodes: 10 x 60' HD
Director: Petar Ristovski
Cast: Lazar Ristovski, Danica Ristovski, Aleksandar Vuckovic, Nebojsa Kundacina, Branko Jerinic
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