петак, 27.06.2008, 09:18 -> 09:01
štampajThe Wounded Eagle
Searching for love...
Searching for love and her place in the society, the female protagonist, Andjelka, comes into conflict with the conservative mindset of the patriarchal environment. In the first episode of the series, we meet the series' protagonists - Andjelka and Nenad, the future pilot - in their early childhood. We see them playing children's games and witness the moment when Andjelka learns sad news that will mark her entire life - her father was killed. The story continues 20 years later, when Andjelka is a grown woman and she is getting married. This is when the plot begins. The story shall revolve around Andjelka's love problems and moral dilemmas. Her solitary path through the conservative world of men thus begins.
Genre: Drama/Romance
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2008
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 17 x 55' HD
Director: Zdravko Sotra
Cast: Sloboda Micalovic, Ivan Bosiljcic, Vojin Cetkovic, Nenad Jezdic, Dragan Nikolic, Danica Maksimovic, Marinko Madzgalj...
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