четвртак, 19.06.2014, 19:06 -> 09:04
štampajThe Jagodic Family - Farewell Waltzt
On the day of their father’s death anniversary, the brothers reunite again.
On the day of their father's death anniversary, the brothers reunite again. Branko comes home from Paris and Lajko from Pest. However, an unexpected encounter with Aleksandra will spark feelings in him he believed were no longer there. Jovan, too, will be confused after an unexpected encounter with Aida, who he had not seen for years. Her words to him during that encounter will change him forever. Moreover, the Lieutenant Vasić's investigation of the mysterious death of a young maid in the vicinity of the castle will additionally stir up the relationships between the protagonists.
Genre: Thriller/Melodrama
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2014
Broadcaster: RTS
Season 2: 10X 55' HD
Director: Miroslav Lekic
Cast: Dejan Lutkic, Gordan Kicic, Gorica Popovic, Radoje Cupic, Nina Janković, Dara Dzokic, Radoslav Milenkovic, Milos Samolov, Nada Sargin...
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