субота, 18.06.2016, 17:20 -> 09:06
štampajSuspicious Individuals
The series Suspicious Person is a contemporary story inspired by Nusics' genious studies of human behaviour and personalities, mentalities and perception of life. But, as opposed to the comedies written more than half a century ago, this television view of reality offers more satire and bitterness than frolic and joy.
The series begins as a loose adaptation of the eternal comedy "Dr." written by the most celebrated comedy playwrite, Branislav Nusic. The other episodes are inspired by the motives from Nusics' comedies: Mister Dollar, A Suspicious Person, Representative of the People and the one act play The Rulers. The authors' idea was to connect many motifs that Nusic uses into a single whole by following the protagonist incline on the pyramid of power.
Genre: Comedy
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2016
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 86 X 30' HD
Directors: Dusan Milic, Milan Konjevic
Goran Stanković, Darko Lungulov, Vladimir Tagic
Cast: Nikola Rakocevic, Jasna Djuricic, Boris Isakovic, Andrija Kuzmanovic, Jovana Stojiljkovic, Branislav Lecic, Andjelka Simic...
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