четвртак, 11.06.2015, 11:38 -> 09:28
A powerful lyrical story about a junior officer of the former Yugoslav army, Zika Kurjak, from his childhood in the mining homeland, to the days spent in army, to serious depression, prison and metropolitan madness.
Kurjak represents the embodiment of human kindness, which is hampered and disturbed by the circumstances that life brings along. Through a touching story about the sergeant Zika Kurjak and his life journey, some of the key historical circumstances of the 20th century intertwine, including the destiny of the heroic Serbian army which becomes part of a new system after the unification and is slowly eaten away by the system, leaving individuals to truly fight for it and prevent its imminent destruction.
Genre: Drama/History/Literary Adaptation
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2015
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 12 X 60' HD
Director: Dejan Zecevic
Cast: Miodrag Dragicevic, Aleksandar Bercek, Sloboda Micalovic, Miodrag Radonjic, Mladen Sovilj, Predrag Miki Manojlovic...
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