See You in Montevideo

The Legend That Lives On

See You in Montevideo tells the fascinating tale how the Yugoslavian football team took part in the 1st official World Cup in Montevideo, in 1930.

The football saga continues in Uruguay's capital where after a tiresome three-week journey over the Atlantic, the first-ever national team of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia finds itself among strong participants of the First World Championship. 

The team from a small Balkan country, a team that no one believes, draws as an opponent the championship's predicted winner, the famous national team of Brazil.

Genres: Drama, History, Sport

Country of production: Serbia

Original title: Montevideo, vidimo se!

Year of production:2014

Duration: 142 min

Screenplay: Dragan Bjelogrlic, Ranko Bozic, Dimitrije Vojnov

Director: Dragan Bjelogrlic

Cast: Milos Bikovic, Petar Strugar, Armand Assante, Viktor Savic, Elena Martinez, Branko Djuric, Predrag Vasic, Nebojsa Ilic, Vojin Cetkovic, Aleksandar Radojicic, Ivan Zekic, Nikola Djuricko, Srdjan Todorovic, Srdjan Timarov, Andrija Kuzmanovic, Nenad Herakovic, Uros Jovicic, Milan Nikitovic, Rade Cosic, Bojan Krivokapic

Special guests Dragan Nikolić and Concha Hidalgo


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четвртак, 26. септембар 2024.
22° C


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