среда, 01.08.2012, 17:12 -> 17:24
On the road to Montevideo!
The second season of TV serial named „On the Road to Montevideo“ describes exciting journey of the Yugoslav football team from Belgrade to Montevideo.
Nine new episodes tells the story of the team's month-long journey to Uruguay, starting with the train trip from Belgrade, through Croatia, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, all the way to France and the port of Marseille, where they boarded the ship „Florida" and continued with their voyage to Montevideo.
Country of production: Serbia
Original title: Montevideo, vidimo se!
Year of production: 2012.
Episodes: 9x50 minutes
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Cast: Milos Bikovic, Petar Strugar, Milutin Karadzic, Danina Jeftic, Branimir Brstina, Vojin Cetkovic, Nebojsa Ilic, Predrag Vasic
Screenplay: Ranko Bozic, Dimitrije Vojnov
Directed by: Dragan Bjelogrlic
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