понедељак, 19.07.1976, 13:31 -> 08:31
More Than Just A Game
The series describes events in a small Serbian town during the ten-year period from 1931 to 1941...
The year 1931 is a time when dictatorship terror and the big economic crisis are at large. The year 1937 is the year of rebirth of the advanced workers' movement and collision of progressive mankind with fascism, while the year 1941 is the year of uprising and revolution. The series documents all these events by keeping track of them in a small-town environment. A special segment of the series is the rivalry between the two football clubs: "Gradjanski" and "Radnicki", where the game with the ball is just a cause, and everything else, "more than just a game" is the essence.
Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1976
Broadcaster: RTS
Season 1: 9 x 45-63'
Director: Zdravko Sotra
Cast: Petar Bozovic, Ljiljana Dragutinovic, Nikola Simic, Slobodan Djuric...
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