недеља, 19.07.1981, 12:35 -> 08:38
Stories From The Car Mechanic's Shop
The focus of the series is a car mechanic’s shop, people who work there and those who pass through it, whether as regular customers or just passers-by.
People who worship the new deity - the car, see the car mechanic as a miracle worker and are willing to do anything for him. Since the car mechanic has a broad sphere of interest, he will come into contact with different people of different occupations at different places, so his fate will become intertwined with those of his customers. The car mechanic Zivota goes through various situations: some are funny, some are sad, some reveal beauty and others human misery. At the end, Zivota gets tangled up and tries to change himself, but the people who come to his shop need him just the way he is.
Genre: Comedy
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1981
Broadcaster: RTS
Season 1: 6 x 40'
Director: Dragoslav Lazic
Cast: Zoran Radmilovic, Mira Banajc, Velimir - Bata Zivojinovic, Mica Tomic, Stevo Zigon, Cedomir Petrovic...
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