среда, 19.07.1978, 12:29 -> 08:39
The Truck Drivers
Two old truck driver friends are about to retire
Two old truck driver friends are about to retire. They had their share of work and are pretty much tired, so they look forward to the day when they will be able to make their dreams come true: Paja to live on a boat on the Sava River, and Jare to dabble about his garden behind the house. However, dreams and reality are rarely the same. Their unfortunate connection begins on the day when they are supposed to go back to primary school to obtain professional qualification. The two protagonists go through various situations in an interesting and picturesque environment.
Genre: Comedy
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1972/1983
Broadcaster: RTS
Season 1: 10 x 60
Season 2: 8 x 60
Director: Milo Djukanovic
Cast: Petrovic Ckalja, Pavle Vujisic, Slavka Jerinic, Branko Cvejic
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