субота, 19.07.1986, 12:22 -> 08:40
The Gray Penetentiary
After thirty years of the show being aired it seems to be more modern today than ever
The series came to exist from a collection of true stories and tackles with many topics that are unfortunately still problems today: how does one end up in a reformatory? What leads someone who is only fourteen, fifteen or sixteen to become a criminal or murderer? Is it a destroyed family, divorced parents, poverty, alcohol, drugs or hatred? Children from families that are well off and in good relations also find themselves in reformatories like this one. The series analyses what leads them to commit such crimes. It portrays the private lives of their mentors that cannot be perceived apart from their professional ones...
Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1986
Broadcaster. RTS
Original title: Sivi dom
Episodes: 12 x 55'
Director: Darko Bajic
Cast: Bata Zivojinovic, Misa Janketic, Dragan Nikolic, Bora Todorovic, Zarko Radic
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