недеља, 19.07.1987, 12:17 -> 08:40
Vuk Karadzic
The series "Vuk Karadzic" is included in the World Heritage Encyclopedia.
In a very complex dramatic composition, in a broad, at first mythological and then historical context, the author presents us with the biography of Vuk Karadzic (1787-1864), witness of the Serbian revolution (1804-1815), founder of all elementary cultural and political values upon which the Serbian nation was established, the reformer of language and orthography and founder of new Serbian literature. At the same time, this is a grand epic television portrait of the time of the renewal of the Serbian state.
Genre: Drama/History
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 1987
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 16 x 60'
Director: Djordje Kadijevic
Cast: Borivoje Kandic (young Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic), Predrag Manojlovic (Vuk Stefanovic Karazdic), Snezana Savic, Danilo Lazovic, Dragomir Felba...
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