The End Of The Obrenovic Dynasty

The screenplay is based on historical records of Slobodan Jovanovic and Dragisa Vasic, and other historical sources...


The Obrenovic dynasty occupied the central position in the Serbian history from 1815 to 1903. Prince Milos, Prince Mihailo, King Milan and King Aleksandar were the most prominent political figures in the history of Serbia during its fight for liberation from the Turkish rule, as well as during the period of constituting the Serbian state and its approximation to Europe. The two last rulers undoubtedly made both significant progress and major mistakes in their political actions and private lives. Crossover of political goals with private problems forced Milan to make some thoughtless moves and to abdicate, whereas Aleksandar's rule during the last four years of his life was heavily influenced by his friend, and then his wife, Queen Draga.

In the form of a dramatic chronicle, this television series depicts the events in the political life of Serbia, strengthening of the political parties, private life of Aleksandar, last hours of Milan's life, Draga's interference with matters of political and military importance, as well as the conspiracy of young officers and certain politicians against the royal court. The assassination of the king marked the end of the Obrenovic dynasty and the return of the Karadjordjevic dynasty to the Serbian throne.

Genre: Drama/History

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 1995

Broadcaster: RTS

Episodes: 11 x 55'

Screenplay: Radomir Putnik 

Director: Sava Mrmak

Cast: Tihomir Stanic, Ljiljana Blagojevic, Miodrag Krivokapic, Aleksandar Sreckovic, Nebojsa Dugalic, Jelica Sretenovic...


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31° C


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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару
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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару