субота, 19.07.2008, 11:03 -> 08:32
The Last Audience
Who was Nikola Pasic?
The four-part television series "The Last Audience" is a story of the life and political destiny of the leader of the most influential political party in Serbia in the early 20th century, the champion of the radicals - Nikola Pasic. At the same time, this is a story of the making of a parliamentary state during the Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic dynasties. Who was Nikola Pasic? A persistent fighter for democracy in the service of the people? A man opposing the wilfulness of the Obrenovic kings and self-sufficiency of the Karadjordjevic dynasty? A pragmatic politician who always knew how to choose the right side? A loyal servant to the Karadjordjevic dynasty occupying the highest position in the executive branch of the government, or merely a self-seeking spread better who would turn the wheels of power for his own benefit without hesitation?
Genre: Drama/History
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2008
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 4 x 55'
Driector: Djordje Kadijevic
Cast: Milutin Milosevic, Predrag Ejdus, Olivera Katarina, Snezana Savic, Bogdan Diklic, Sonja Kolacaric, Tanasije Uzunovic ...
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