The Linden Street

The series deals with many everyday-life problems such as love, infidelity, jealousy...


The series begins with a pregnant woman, Nata, moving into a building in Lime Tree Street. All of the neighbours take an interest, and especially Nedeljko, her next door neighbour. The story follows the lives of various tenants of the building. Nata and Nedeljko fall in love and end up together, with him moving in with her and her newborn son. Tihomir and Iboljka are an elderly couple who live on the ground floor and spend their retirement days by taking interest in all of their neighbours. Their daughter Lidija with her husband Gagi and son Luka also live in the building. Lidija and Gagi will go through a tough time when she finds out that he has been cheating on her. However, they eventually get back together. The other tenants are: Saska, a psychologist and a single mother to Darko, Luka's friend. Saška's mother, Duda, comes to visit them every day. She is a vigorous and lively lady, somewhat unusual for a woman of her age. We also meet Zile and Nancy (owner of the hair salon "Nancy"), a couple with two daughters, all of them with their own problems. The series deals with many everyday-life problems such as love, infidelity, jealousy...

Genre: Comedy

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2007-2009

Broadcaster: RTS

Episodes: 29 x 55' HD

Director: Miroslav Lekic

Cast: Radmila Zivkovic, Josif Tatic, Ana Franic, Nada Sargin, Svetlana Bojkovic, Anita Mancic, Milorad Mandic - Manda, Branko Cvejic.

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среда, 17. јул 2024.
36° C


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Избор за Мис Србије на Тргу републике – женско тело на јавном кантару