субота, 27.06.2009, 09:11 -> 09:01
Her Mother's Sin
The story revolves around an exciting story of a girl who tragically loses both her father and mother at a very early age...
The story revolves around an exciting story of a girl who tragically loses both her father and mother at a very early age. Alone in the world, she starts fighting for her place in the society, trying to figure out what was it that her mother had done in the past that would lead to her having to pay for "her mother's sin". Temptations on her way and obstacles she must surmount will make our heroine Neda a person capable of properly facing the world around her, of finding her place in it and of forging her own happiness. The story is set in Serbia just before World War II.
Genre: Drama/Romance
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2009
Broadcaster: RTS
Episodes: 18 x 55' HD
Director: Zdravko Sotra
Cast: Ivana Jovanovic, Ivan Bosiljcic, Ruzica Sokic, Vojin Cetkovic, Nebojsa Dugalic, Branka Pujic, Danica Maksimovic, Nikola Djuricko, Jelica Sretenovic....
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