The Jagodic Family

Much has changed at the castle of the Jagodic family...


Much has changed at the castle of the Jagodic family. Lajko Zobar is having a hard time adjusting to the part assigned to him by fate to be one of the people he had resented until recently - mister Lajko Jagodic, the out-of-wedlock son of Count Milan, and Jovan and Branko's half-brother. His brothers are also having a hard time. The on-going changes have affected them deeply. Branko Jagodic, the artist in the family, realises that time spent in France has not changed him at all. He is still the same as he was when he left the castle four years ago - a mediocre painter, childish and insecure, but still appealing to the ladies, a great seducer and womaniser. His return to the castle means the end of his wanderings and search for the meaning of life. It means a new beginning and new hope. His older brother Jovan retreats into the world of the castle's dark chambers. From a businessman who always knew what is to be done, he turns into an autistic freak disinterested in the world around him, haunted by memories of a lost love. Count Milan is in Slankamen, recovering from a stroke, completely unaware of the situation at the estate. A mysterious policeman from Vienna, inspector Otto Kuntz, arrives in Petrovgrad and starts his unusual investigation. The annual village celebration of Shrovetide is nearly there.

Genre: Thriller/Melodrama

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2012

Broadcaster: RTS

Episodes: 12 x 60'

Director: Miroslav Lekic

Cast: Dragan Nikolic, Gordan Kicic, Dejan Lutkic, Ivan Bosiljcic, Sloboda Micalovic, Slavica Vucetic, Nataša Ninkovic.

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