понедељак, 18.06.2012, 16:13 -> 09:09
Montevideo, God Bless You
A dream that allows them to become true stars and living legends even though they struggle with the everyday life drama: powerty, unscrupulous players on the one hand and Belgrade & Yugoslav bourgeoisie on the other
The main thread of the TV series is the historical success of Yugoslavia's national team in Montevideo in 1930 at the first World Championship in football and semifinals, as well as the personalities of young footballers who, with their enthusiasm and talent, contributed to this great world competition.
Genre: History, Melodrama, Sport
Country of production: Serbia
Original title: Montevideo, Bog te video
Year of production: 2012.
Episodes: 9
Director: Dragan Bjelogrlic
Cast: Milos Bikovic, Petar Strugar, Danina Jeftic, Nina Jankovic, Predrag Vasic, Viktor Savic, Nebojsa Ilic, Vojin Cetkovic, Nikola Djuricko, Tamara Dragicevic, Mima Karadzic, Branimir Brstina, Srdjan Timarov, Aleksandar Radojicic, Andrija Kuzmanovic..
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