The Forgotten Admiral

Biographical documentary about the British Admiral Ernest Troubridge.


Biographical documentary about the British Admiral Ernest Troubridge who played a significant role in the events in Serbia during the First World War. He was the commander of the British naval mission to Serbia on Danube and the advisor on military issues to prince regent Aleksandar Karadjordjevic on the Salonica front in 1918.

Very little is known about the role Troubridge played, both in Serbian and British historiography. He kept a journal.

This documentary describes and presents the role Admiral Troubridge and British seamen played in the defense of Belgrade from Austro-Hungarian warships. In 1916 Troubridge was in charge of evacuating Serbian Army from the Albanian town Saint John of Medua and this documentary is showing show how much he contributed to the survival of Serbian Army in those key historic moments.


Genre: History, WWI

Country of production: Serbia

Co-produced with the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Belgrade and the Ministry of Defence of Republic of Serbia

Year of production: 2017

Author: Sladjana Zaric

Available: July 2017

Duration: 60' HD

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петак, 17. мај 2024.
17° C


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