“Dare to Dream“ the slogan of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019

Dare to Dream — the slogan of the 64th Eurovision Song Contest which will take place on 14, 16, and 18 May in Tel Aviv.

The information about the new slogan was represented by KAN, national television of Israel and co-organizer of the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest, on its Twitter channel.

Inclusion, diversity, unity

These three words symbolize the Eurovision Song Contest and they were used as inspiration for creating new slogan. Executive Supervisor of EBU, Jon Ola Sand said that to appear on the Eurovision stage, to dare to dream that you can win in Eurovision, to be brave, confident enough, and to stand in front of the large audience and viewers - is something worth dreaming for.

With the unique logo, the slogan of the European Song Contest is part of every contest's identity created by the national broadcaster - organizer of the contest. The slogan is present since 2002. when the Eurovision Song Contest took place in Tallinn. With the exception of 2009, every Eurovision year was marked by a certain slogan.

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18° C


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