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What happens to the children of the defeated and the victorious in that euphoric period (after WWII), often in the absence of the rule of law?



Experience has shown that they suffer more severely than adults because they are innocent. Children cannot be held responsible for their parents' sins, but may be privileged for their merits.
From a children's perspective, we will see ideological turbulence in a recently liberated small town, where the rule of law has not yet been properly established. The representatives of the new government are settling scores with anyone they label as guilty, even without a trial, while helpless children are watching it all, realizing the cruelty of the world. Each of the 6 episodes presents individual destinies of the children who gather and play in the town square.


Genre: Drama
Country of production: Serbia
Original title: Žmurke
Year of production: 2019
Season I episodes: 6 x 50' HD
Cast: Milan Maric, Marta Bjelica, Jasna Djuric, Aleksandar Bercek, Milica Zaric, Jelena Djokic, Boris Isakovic, Svetozar Cvetkovic, Misa Janketic, Igor Bencina, Aljosa Vuckovic, Milica Gojkovic, Jovana Stojiljkovic, Rada Djuricin
Sceenplay/Director: Milos Radivojevic

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понедељак, 03. јун 2024.
17° C


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