Obaveštenje o uslovima restrimovanja programa Radio Beograda

Veb portali zainteresovani za restrimovanje programa Radio Beograda mogu se javiti na mejl tehnikarb@rts.rs i poslati IP adresu sa koje bi pristupili striming serveru. Restrimovanje će vršiti korišćenjem svojih striming servera.

Notification about the terms and conditions of the Radio Belgrade program re-streaming

Web portals interested in re-streaming the Radio Belgrade program can contact us via the email tehnikarb@rts.rs and send an IP address from which they can access the streaming server. Re-streaming will be done using their streaming server.

Radio i TV kanale RTS-a možete pratiti uživo na našoj multimedijalnoj platformi RTS Planeta

Emisije Radio Beograda

Radio Beograd 1

Radio Beograd 2

Radio Beograd 3

Beograd 202