Family Bošković Case

This is a story about a seemingly ordinary urban family, ordinary in every sense except in the way they perceive life and everything life brings.


Raša is a long time ago forgotten actor who is married with Danijela. In the struggle against the middle age crisis, she decides to return to her long time ago interrupted studies. Their daughter is a revolutionary, Pablo Escobar is a role model for their son, and everybody believes the grandmother is a former spy.


Genre: Comedy
Country of Production : Serbia
Year of production : 2020
Original Title: Slučaj porodice Bošković
Duration: 42x50' HD Cast: Uloge:Radivoje Bukvić, Nataša Marković, Silma Mahmuti, Đorđe Kadijević, Seka Sablić, Anica Dobra, Svetlana Bojković, Zoran Cvijanović, Feđa Stojanović, Jelisaveta Orašanin, Patra Benčina...
Screenplay: Katarina Janković and Nina Džuver
Directed by: Ivan Stefanović


петак, 14. јун 2024.
23° C


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