We Will Be The World Champions

This is a story about four pioneers who fathered the “Yugoslav school of basketball” and whose merit is the development of this sport in Europe.

We Will Be The World Champions We Will Be The World Champions

They are Nebojsa Popovic, Borisav Stankovic, Radomir Saper and Aleksandar Nikolic.

The central event is the crucial game at World Cup 1970 between Yugoslavia and the United States.

From the point of view of the main character, Nebojsa Popovic, we follow the growth and life path of enthusiasts, whose professional work, ideas and efforts made their major dream come true, the first gold medal for Yugoslavia in world championships.

The central event is the crucial game at World Cup 1970 between Yugoslavia and the United States.

From the point of view of the main character, Nebojsa Popovic, we follow the growth and life path of enthusiasts, whose professional work, ideas and efforts made their major dream come true, the first gold medal for Yugoslavia in world championships.





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субота, 01. јун 2024.
23° C


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